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Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Crystal Chambers of Atlantis Part B

White Wolf Series Chapter Seven
Book One
The medicine woman and Billy Two Feathers stood in silence as they looked around the landing pad at the military base. Commander Jentry and the others loaded some last minutes supplies onto the helicopter. Billy looked deep into the eyes of the medicine woman as he softly whispered to her. It’s ok to feel as you do! We both knew that this day would come! The child does not belong to us dear friend. He must be allowed to fulfill his destiny! This is now his journey and he must walk this part alone. You have taught him well and he may one day return to us. Have faith in the Great Spirit and his plans for young White Wolf; he is indeed the one the ancients have spoken of and so now the prophecy and the earth changes begin.
Jentry’s voice broke through the quietness of the moment. Ok we’re locked and loaded people and it’s time to go! We have air support should we run into Skinner. Not sure how well our onboard instruments will work inside the triangle. Last time we were inside her all of them failed. We were flying blind and nearly did not make it out. There’s a positive side to this though; if we are flying without our electronic instrumentation to guide us, anyone that follows us in will have to do so as well!
White Wolf looked in the direction of the wolf pack as the gunship lifted off the ground; he knew it would be a long time before he could return and run with them again. His bright blue eyes caught mother wolf’s attention as she watched now from the cover of the nearby trees and she listened intently to the words of her man child deep inside her mind. She also knew this moment would one day come as well, but like the medicine woman she too had wished for it to come much later.
Mother be well! Watch over our two legged friends and protect them as you have protected me. Know that although I leave you and father White Wolf and my brother and sisters, I will also one day return. Remember me and know that I too am always with you and the others. Feel me in your hearts and minds; I run with the pack always and will never be far from you. Mother, remember me! The child of the wolf thoughts were very strong and mother wolf began to howl. The rest of the pack joined in chorus all lending their voices as she bid her child farewell.
Go in peace young one and always let spirit be your guide! Know that you are loved and we shall not forget our man child! We await your return! Because you are very much our child! Learn all that you must and return to us safely for there’s always a place for you here with us! Now go child of the wolf and let the elements of the earth realm guide and protect you.
Yes mother I shall. He replied, as the gun ship rose up into the night air and disappeared over the mountains on its journey to the sea and deep within the devil’s triangle.
Lisa sat close to young White Wolf and stared out the window of the gunship as it made its way in the direction of the sea. Looking over at him she spoke very quietly in his direction. He could feel her sadness as well as her excitement. He listened to her soft voice as she began to talk. He watched her hair flutter gently with the moving air caused from the prop wash, as the machined hummed its way toward the approaching sea board in the distance.
What will we find there when we arrive at the location?  Will there be others like you awaiting our arrival? She asked.
I know not what awaits me or those that accompany me was his reply. Then pausing for a moment he spoke yet again.  All I know is this is where I must go. I have a knowing within me that new and exciting things are about to happen and from this experience I shall return a different person. That is all I know Lisa.
Lisa looked puzzled and confused as she replied. You talk as if you’re not returning from this place inside the triangle with us?  It feels like you’re saying goodbye? Maybe it’s just me and I’m reading too much into your words? You are returning with us aren’t you? She asked again. White Wolf did not reply; instead he turned away from her gaze and stared out the window in the direction of the sea.
The voice of the pilot rang out through the ear pieces that were attached to the helmets as he discussed the eerie green glow now rising up off of the ocean in the distance. Sir, I think you should come have a look at this? We are experiencing an anomaly; it’s starting to have adverse effects on our equipment! We cannot get a reading on our compass; our electronics are malfunctioning!
Jentry glanced over at his sister and the boy as he replied to the pilot’s message and made his way in the direction of the cockpit. He knew that they were flying blind now and that it would only get worse from this point on. The deeper they ventured into the triangle the more strange anomalies they would experience.
 Maintain heading and speed! He replied.
It will be ok; there’s nothing to worry about sis. This is normal when near the triangle. We will not be able to rely on any of our electronics from this point on! We’ll just have to rely on experience and training. This is what it’s all about! My boys are the very best in the service! They live for this stuff! We call it flying blind and by the seat of our pants! So smile and enjoy the ride! It’s going to get very interesting from this point on! He said as he looked back in her direction one last time before disappearing from sight.
Upon hearing what Commander Jentry said, Billy Two Feathers looked over at the medicine woman and smiled. They both knew that the commander’s words were true! The Bermuda Triangle was always acting strange at the best of times, but now even more so because little did anyone onboard the gunship know, it was about to get even stranger;  because the triangle was directly connected to the child.
White Wolf’s mother remembered yet another trip to the triangle, which took place many life times ago! She remembered herself as a child being taken to this place!  She remembered the clipper ship that carried her deep within the Devil’s Triangle. Her memories of that event and her uncertainty of what awaited her within the triangle were crystal clear within the confines of her mind yet once more. She sat in silence and stared out the window, trying as hard as she could to hide her inner thoughts from the child.
 This was no easy task because his gifts had already far surpassed those of hers!  What had taken her over five hundred lifetimes to learn, he had learned in less than 13 years! She glanced over in his direction; she could feel his gaze upon her and the gentle probing of his mind as he began to tear down the walls she had put in place deep within her mind.
Stop it child! You do not have my permission to invade my mind! We must always respect each other’s privacy! If there’s something you wish to know, and then just ask! I will answer your questions where spirit allows!
Sorry mother, I did not mean to do so. I felt your uneasiness and was only curious, was his reply.
Billy Two Feathers looked over at him now and smiled as he began to speak. I do not mean to interrupt a mother and son conversation. But, I could not help but notice that the two of you seem to be feeling uneasy. Let spirit be your guide and have faith that all things happen for a reason. Remember, that all things must come full circle.
 Child of the wolf, you are about to embark on a sacred journey in which you will learn about yourself as well as have all your questions answered with great clarity. What you do with this sacred information will affect your world and all those you know! The journey is yours and yours alone! Embrace it for it is who you are! Remember, there’s great power in knowing but that also with great power comes a great responsibility as well!
Their conversations were interrupted by the sudden jar of the helicopter and the excited voices of the pilots! What are those strange lights coming at us sir? We have lost control of our bird!  Sir, we are going down! Everyone Brace for impact! The pilot yelled as the gunship began to nosedive toward the surface of the ocean below!
The gunship plummeted downward with alarming speed then stop within inches of the surface of the ocean! White Wolf seemed to be levitating in mid air inside the craft and in his hand he held the great crystal that which, he called the Blue Diamond! The others watched on as if mesmerized by the glowing light of the crystal; they were unable to move! Three balls of blue light rose up from beneath the surface of the now churning ocean and completely encased the flying machine! The ocean parted and the ship along with everyone on board vanished deep beneath the waters of the triangle.
So ends chapter seven of White Wolf book #1. What awaits the child of the wolf beneath the watery depths of the Devil’s Triangle? Stay tuned because the adventure of a lifetime has really just began! White Wolf – Book#2 “In Search of Truth."
I want to thank all that have supported me and my writings. It’s because of your faith and great expectations of me that I have been able to continually move forward with this project. If you my readers are interested in the next book soon to be started please be sure to let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comment section following this article.
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