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Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Crystal Chambers of Atlantis Part B

White Wolf Series Chapter Seven
Book One
The medicine woman and Billy Two Feathers stood in silence as they looked around the landing pad at the military base. Commander Jentry and the others loaded some last minutes supplies onto the helicopter. Billy looked deep into the eyes of the medicine woman as he softly whispered to her. It’s ok to feel as you do! We both knew that this day would come! The child does not belong to us dear friend. He must be allowed to fulfill his destiny! This is now his journey and he must walk this part alone. You have taught him well and he may one day return to us. Have faith in the Great Spirit and his plans for young White Wolf; he is indeed the one the ancients have spoken of and so now the prophecy and the earth changes begin.
Jentry’s voice broke through the quietness of the moment. Ok we’re locked and loaded people and it’s time to go! We have air support should we run into Skinner. Not sure how well our onboard instruments will work inside the triangle. Last time we were inside her all of them failed. We were flying blind and nearly did not make it out. There’s a positive side to this though; if we are flying without our electronic instrumentation to guide us, anyone that follows us in will have to do so as well!
White Wolf looked in the direction of the wolf pack as the gunship lifted off the ground; he knew it would be a long time before he could return and run with them again. His bright blue eyes caught mother wolf’s attention as she watched now from the cover of the nearby trees and she listened intently to the words of her man child deep inside her mind. She also knew this moment would one day come as well, but like the medicine woman she too had wished for it to come much later.
Mother be well! Watch over our two legged friends and protect them as you have protected me. Know that although I leave you and father White Wolf and my brother and sisters, I will also one day return. Remember me and know that I too am always with you and the others. Feel me in your hearts and minds; I run with the pack always and will never be far from you. Mother, remember me! The child of the wolf thoughts were very strong and mother wolf began to howl. The rest of the pack joined in chorus all lending their voices as she bid her child farewell.
Go in peace young one and always let spirit be your guide! Know that you are loved and we shall not forget our man child! We await your return! Because you are very much our child! Learn all that you must and return to us safely for there’s always a place for you here with us! Now go child of the wolf and let the elements of the earth realm guide and protect you.
Yes mother I shall. He replied, as the gun ship rose up into the night air and disappeared over the mountains on its journey to the sea and deep within the devil’s triangle.
Lisa sat close to young White Wolf and stared out the window of the gunship as it made its way in the direction of the sea. Looking over at him she spoke very quietly in his direction. He could feel her sadness as well as her excitement. He listened to her soft voice as she began to talk. He watched her hair flutter gently with the moving air caused from the prop wash, as the machined hummed its way toward the approaching sea board in the distance.
What will we find there when we arrive at the location?  Will there be others like you awaiting our arrival? She asked.
I know not what awaits me or those that accompany me was his reply. Then pausing for a moment he spoke yet again.  All I know is this is where I must go. I have a knowing within me that new and exciting things are about to happen and from this experience I shall return a different person. That is all I know Lisa.
Lisa looked puzzled and confused as she replied. You talk as if you’re not returning from this place inside the triangle with us?  It feels like you’re saying goodbye? Maybe it’s just me and I’m reading too much into your words? You are returning with us aren’t you? She asked again. White Wolf did not reply; instead he turned away from her gaze and stared out the window in the direction of the sea.
The voice of the pilot rang out through the ear pieces that were attached to the helmets as he discussed the eerie green glow now rising up off of the ocean in the distance. Sir, I think you should come have a look at this? We are experiencing an anomaly; it’s starting to have adverse effects on our equipment! We cannot get a reading on our compass; our electronics are malfunctioning!
Jentry glanced over at his sister and the boy as he replied to the pilot’s message and made his way in the direction of the cockpit. He knew that they were flying blind now and that it would only get worse from this point on. The deeper they ventured into the triangle the more strange anomalies they would experience.
 Maintain heading and speed! He replied.
It will be ok; there’s nothing to worry about sis. This is normal when near the triangle. We will not be able to rely on any of our electronics from this point on! We’ll just have to rely on experience and training. This is what it’s all about! My boys are the very best in the service! They live for this stuff! We call it flying blind and by the seat of our pants! So smile and enjoy the ride! It’s going to get very interesting from this point on! He said as he looked back in her direction one last time before disappearing from sight.
Upon hearing what Commander Jentry said, Billy Two Feathers looked over at the medicine woman and smiled. They both knew that the commander’s words were true! The Bermuda Triangle was always acting strange at the best of times, but now even more so because little did anyone onboard the gunship know, it was about to get even stranger;  because the triangle was directly connected to the child.
White Wolf’s mother remembered yet another trip to the triangle, which took place many life times ago! She remembered herself as a child being taken to this place!  She remembered the clipper ship that carried her deep within the Devil’s Triangle. Her memories of that event and her uncertainty of what awaited her within the triangle were crystal clear within the confines of her mind yet once more. She sat in silence and stared out the window, trying as hard as she could to hide her inner thoughts from the child.
 This was no easy task because his gifts had already far surpassed those of hers!  What had taken her over five hundred lifetimes to learn, he had learned in less than 13 years! She glanced over in his direction; she could feel his gaze upon her and the gentle probing of his mind as he began to tear down the walls she had put in place deep within her mind.
Stop it child! You do not have my permission to invade my mind! We must always respect each other’s privacy! If there’s something you wish to know, and then just ask! I will answer your questions where spirit allows!
Sorry mother, I did not mean to do so. I felt your uneasiness and was only curious, was his reply.
Billy Two Feathers looked over at him now and smiled as he began to speak. I do not mean to interrupt a mother and son conversation. But, I could not help but notice that the two of you seem to be feeling uneasy. Let spirit be your guide and have faith that all things happen for a reason. Remember, that all things must come full circle.
 Child of the wolf, you are about to embark on a sacred journey in which you will learn about yourself as well as have all your questions answered with great clarity. What you do with this sacred information will affect your world and all those you know! The journey is yours and yours alone! Embrace it for it is who you are! Remember, there’s great power in knowing but that also with great power comes a great responsibility as well!
Their conversations were interrupted by the sudden jar of the helicopter and the excited voices of the pilots! What are those strange lights coming at us sir? We have lost control of our bird!  Sir, we are going down! Everyone Brace for impact! The pilot yelled as the gunship began to nosedive toward the surface of the ocean below!
The gunship plummeted downward with alarming speed then stop within inches of the surface of the ocean! White Wolf seemed to be levitating in mid air inside the craft and in his hand he held the great crystal that which, he called the Blue Diamond! The others watched on as if mesmerized by the glowing light of the crystal; they were unable to move! Three balls of blue light rose up from beneath the surface of the now churning ocean and completely encased the flying machine! The ocean parted and the ship along with everyone on board vanished deep beneath the waters of the triangle.
So ends chapter seven of White Wolf book #1. What awaits the child of the wolf beneath the watery depths of the Devil’s Triangle? Stay tuned because the adventure of a lifetime has really just began! White Wolf – Book#2 “In Search of Truth."
I want to thank all that have supported me and my writings. It’s because of your faith and great expectations of me that I have been able to continually move forward with this project. If you my readers are interested in the next book soon to be started please be sure to let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comment section following this article.
We presently have 30 book requests on order already; anyone wanting to place their orders may do so by contacting my life mate at . Please be sure to specify the kind of book you want? Hard Cover, Soft Cover, E-Book or Disc.

The Crystal Chambers of Atlantis

Part Six - A - Chapter Seven White Wolf
Jentry sat up from where he was laying on the ground; he looked at the motionless bodies of his sister and the boy. Lisa’s eyes opened and her lifeless body suddenly arched into the air as her life forced returned to her fragile shell. Looking up at her brother tears flowing down her face, she asked. Were we both really dead or was this some awful dream? Then looking over at young White Wolf who still lay motionless beside them on the ground, Lisa realized that it was not a dream!  She moved over to where the child’s body was and lifted the boy up cradling him in her arms while holding him close to her. Why? Why did it have to end like this? Why was but a child given such a huge responsibility? She asks.
Jentry shook his head slightly as he answered. I’m not sure Sis; I wish I could answer your questions! But, not even I have the answers you seek.  However, I can tell you this; there’s a great evil loose upon the world. I do not understand what all this means but I do know that if we are alive again after being dead, then we must find the faith and strength inside ourselves to believe that he will also return to the living as well!
Lisa looked down at the child’s hand and saw the Blue Diamond clutched tightly in his grip. She closed her hand over his and felt a strange tingling sensation and a burst of heat shoot through her hand and travel up her arm! Little White Wolf’s eyes fluttered and his body heaved up into the air as the breath of life returned to him! He’s alive! Brother! He’s breathing! Look she clambered as the boy now opened his eyes and stared up at them!
Water! I need water! He said as he tried to sit up. Water will replenish my strength; I need water!
Jentry turned and looked away upon hearing a familiar voice coming from behind him, somewhere amid the thick blanket of smoke, which was now covering the whole valley during and after the battle that had taken place. It was Chip Sanders his best friend! Over here! He yelled back in his direction. We are over here! Near the tree line! Soldier! He yelled once more.
Chip and several others of his soldiers made their way to where they were; they brought with them Billy Two Feathers and the medicine women. Pointing with his hand, Sanders ordered his unit to take up a defensive parameter around them! Secure the area! We may not be out of the thick of battle yet! Skinner and his men gave up too quickly! They may double back and try to ambush us! Sanders yelled.
Anyone in need of medical attention Sir, he asked? Then looking at Jentry he smiled and said, lucky for you that you insisted that everyone in our unit including you be tagged with a homing beacon! We lost your signal for a short time and plotted your last known position; then through the process of trial an error, we figured that your best route was through the valley and over the next mountain range in a straight line to the base! We caught some chatter from Skinner and his men on the listening post and couldn’t help but see the smoke from their rocket launchers! To be honest Sir, we thought you were all likely dead! We engaged the enemy and forced them to retreat! We found these two survivors and they claimed to know you well! They told us of a child you had with you and that you were also all very much alive! I’m glad we listened to them because your life signs faded and for all intent and purposes we had to agree with our equipment!
Well your gadgets malfunction! You can see we’re all alive and well! Now let’s get out of here and return to the safety of the base soldier! No sense taking any chances! We all need to rest because our mission is not over! We need to get this boy deep into the Devil’s Triangle! Jentry snapped at him. Noticing the strange look on his friends face, Jentry replied. No time to explain yet! I will fill you in once we are all back at the base!
Yes sir! What are we to do with the other two civilians and their friends that are with them?
Jentry looked in the direction of the medicine women, Billy Two Feathers and the whole pack of wolves that now stood near them. The child’s mother and friend are to come with us! Do not fire upon the wolves as they belong to the child! They will attack if they feel he is in danger! They will find their way to the safety of the base on their own!
Sanders looked in the direction of the wolves; he had never witness anything quite like this before It was like they were looking right through him and deep into his soul! If you ask me Sir, they kind of give me a weird feeling! Almost as if they know exactly what we‘re thinking! He replied.

He reached out his hand in the direction of little White Wolf to help him to his feet without thinking and was forced to back away from the child! The wolves advanced in his direction, growling and snarling as they quickly move between the child and the soldier! Chip raised his rifle and was about to fire his weapon when the child sprang to his feet and motioned the wolves away with but a hand jester and a look!
Put aside your weapon! They will not harm you! They do not like strangers to come too close to me! They wish only to protect their cub!  He said.
Lisa spoke now for she knew the soldier well! It’s ok Chip! Just lower your weapon and back away very slowly! Whatever you do though, do not break eye contact with the wolves! The Alpha male and female will take it as a sign of weakness and attack you if you do! They’re fierce when it comes to protecting their young! White Wolf is their child! They adopted him into the pack. Just move away very slowly and keep your distance; they’ll not attack you if you do as I say! In time they will come to know you as a friend and will accept you as well!
Moving back slowly, while trying to defuse the situation Sanders spoke to Lisa again. So how did you manage to get yourself in this situation? The last time we both talked, you were planning a vacation. I waited for you to call me at the base but you never called. Was it something I did or said? I thought our date went really good and was disappointed you didn’t call back.
Lisa smiled. She did not bother to answer him; she had very strong feelings for Chip. He was everything she could ever hope for in a mate. Chip was great looking, very strong, kind, honest to a fault and extremely passionate as well as smart. But still she felt the relationship was moving too fast and had decided to slow it down some. When it came to relationships, she really sucked big time and at the first sign that one was becoming serious, she would bolt and run away.
Well it really doesn’t matter Lisa. I’m sure you will talk to me about it soon, he said as he helped to her feet. We need to get you and the other civilians to safety! This is not a great place to be at the moment! Skinner and the others could return and re-engage us yet again! Although I really feel we kicked his ass big time. I don’t want to hang around out here to find out. Chip snapped. Then turning to Commander Jentry he said, we are ready to move out Sir.
Lisa let go of the boy’s hand when his mother took him in her arms and hugged him. The medicine women looked up at her and smiled. Thank you Lisa and commander for protecting the child of the wolf! Billy and I saw what the two of you did! There’s no greater love then that of one which lays down their life for yet another! The Great Spirit has assured me that you two will see the Gates of Atlantis! Spirit tells me that you will witness many things within the great city! Yet you will not be allowed to remember what you have seen. Spirit says that in time you and your brother will come to understand the reasons for this and that you both are to become leaders of the 14 tribes of mankind!


Although Lisa did not always understand what the medicine women told her, she had learned over the time she had known her to trust in what she said. White Wolf’s mother was very wise and always carried within her the wisdom of the ancient ones. She also was surrounded by a veil of secrecy!  The child and she were linked together in many ways. The two of them also had the uncanny ability to dream the same dreams.
Lisa took one last look around the valley as they climb aboard the helicopter. She wanted to remember this place as well as this day because today’s event had changed her in several ways. She had always question life after death as well as the actual existence of a higher power. Was there really an intelligent life force capable of creating the very building blocks of life itself?

Today Lisa had witnessed the answers to all her questions as well as walked in the afterlife of the realm above! Yet who could she tell about this except those that were with her? No one else would believe her story even if she had told them anyways!
White Wolf reached over and took her hand, squeezing it gently he looked directly into her eyes. It’s ok Lisa. I would believe you! He said.
You’re a brat! You read my thoughts! She whispered as she pulled him to her and hugged him.
Jentry came to the back where the two of them were sitting. He was carrying what appeared to be a very thin black laptop in his hand. I need you to look at this kid and give me some input! He said, as he sat between his sister and him.
What is this device you want to show me? The child asked as he watched Jentry open its lid and turn it on. Is it a tracking system? He asked.

Yes it is kid! It’s very new and considered Top Secret! One day though it will revolutionize our world! This device is more than just a computer! In fact it can actually think for itself! This machine is capable of tapping into your subconscious and can actually take information from your thought patterns and create a very vivid image that is transferred into the viewing screen right here! He said as he pointed to the screen on the laptop. I’ll need to place these wire leads on your head though first. Don’t worry! It won’t hurt though! So just relax and what do you say? Shall we give it a try then?
White Wolf nodded his head in agreement and allowed Jentry to place the wire leads on his forehead!
Ok now just relax and try not to think of anything but the place you need to go to in the triangle. The machine will compute the information it receives from your thoughts and correlate it with the information stored already concerning the Devil’s Triangle. With any luck we may get lucky! He said, as they all watch the screen come alive.
Jentry looked at the screen and watched as the machine compiled the information it was receiving from the child’s mind. A three dimensional map appeared showing the Bermuda Triangle; was plotting a course from their present position to a bright red spot directly in the middle of the triangle. That is where I must go! White Wolf said, as he pointed to the now rapidly pulsating light on the monitor.
Staring at the monitor, Jentry looked somewhat puzzled as he replied to the child. Well I hope your right as there’s only open sea there. We can refuel while in route and according to this information, we should arrive at the location within a few short hours.
I don’t know what we will find there only that there is where I must go! White Wolf replied.
Ok kid we’ll leave for that location first thing in the morning! Right now though we all need to rest up a bit first. A hot meal and then a long soak in the hot tub seem like a great plan before taking the next part of the journey! We could all benefit from the down time! Jentry replied.
Holding the crystal tightly in his hand, White Wolf replied as he watched the crystal once more begin to glow brightly, its pulsating light created an eerie glow as it reflected off the interior of the helicopter.
No we must go now! There’s no time to wait! He replied.
So ends Part Six-A- of Chapter Seven White Wolf the ongoing adventure series! Join us for the final conclusion of Chapter Seven – Part Six-B- The Crystal Chambers of Atlantis!! Coming soon…. White Wolf Returns –Book Two of Three.
I have included the links to Part One – Part Five by Special request of my readers below. If you like what you read please feel free to thumbs Up, Review and pass it on to your friends? It has been my greatest pleasure creating book one of three for you my friends and reading audience!
Chapter Seven Part Five:

Monday, August 24, 2009


In this article I decide that it would be great to write about snakes. So I decided to research the topic and see what this writer could find out about the many different kinds that share the planet with us. My research was very rewarding and this writer was able to find some great images as well as a large amount of information concerning some of these creatures.

This snake is very poisonous and was used in ancient Egypt by royalty to commit suicide. You the reader may recall the story of Cleopatra and how she used this venomous snake on herself after experimenting with its poisons on several of her subjects first. The asp was also used as a symbol of royalty by both Romans and Egyptians and in both Egypt and Greece its potent and very toxic venom was used in the execution of criminals that were thought to deserve a more dignified death.

Most sea snakes are considered to be poisonous like the one in the image above. The Geographical range of these particular spices of sea snakes is the Timor Sea, South China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, and coasts of Australia. They can also be found in New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, Indonesia, southern New Guinea, Indonesia, Vietnam and western Malaysia.

 Most sea snakes are not considered to be aggressive with exception of a few and will not go out of their way to attack unless threatened or provoked.
The coral snake posses the second most poisonous venom of any North American snake. The Rattle snake is known to hold first place. Few bites from the coral snake are recorded because they are very reclusive in nature and live in sparsely inhabited areas. When confronted by humans in most cases they will flee. Researchers say that they will bite only as a last resort. So give these snakes their space and do not corner them as they will bite you and you could very well die.

The neurotoxins from this snake bite causes neurological symptoms, paralysis and often end in death due to respiratory paralysis. Rattlesnakes are also eaten and considered a popular food in some parts of the world; they are sold as a specialty food in some meat stores. Those that have eaten rattlesnake as well as this writer say they taste a lot like chicken.
If by chance you get bitten by one of these snakes do seek medical attention right away. All rattlesnakes’ bites are considered life threatening. Another interesting fact about rattlesnakes concerning bites is that a young rattler bite can often be very fatal as the young snake has not learned to control the amount of venom it releases and will often empty all the venom in its glands into its victim.
So if you’re thinking of having one of these snakes as a pet like in an aquarium remember there are pretty obvious risks involved concerning the private ownership of these snakes.
The Black Mamba is one of Africa’s most poisonous snakes and can be found throughout most of Africa in locations such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Botswana, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Malawi, South Africa and the Congo.

The mamba prefers the grassy areas but has also been known to live in bushes and in the trees. It warns by striking out at its attacker several times and has been known to bite and inject its venom into larger creatures several times as well to bring the predator down.
The Black Mamba average length is about 8.2 feet long and has also been captured and recorded at 14 feet in length on rare occasions. This venomous snake is considered to be one of the fastest snakes in the world, on land in speed. The King Cobra comes in second place concerning the speed factor. This researcher found this to be a very insightful tidbit of information, while doing the researching for this article.
The males and females mating cycle can last several days once they entwine around each other. Once the two are done mating they part company and the female will often carry her eggs 25-52 days before laying them. Another interesting fact is that once the young snakes hatch they are completely independent of the adult snake. This means they are fully equipped and can survive on their own from the time they are hatched till adulthood. Amazing isn’t it?
The King Cobra can kill up to five times faster than the Black Mamba with a single bite because of its size it can release a huge amount of venom into its prey with just one strike. The King Cobra’s common enemy and natural predator is known to be the Mongoose. The mongoose has some resistance to its venom so in most encounters with it the snake will try to flee first before fighting or defending its self.

The bite of the King Cobra can kill a human within a very few minute and another interesting fact I came across concerning this poisonous snake was that it can take down an Asian elephant and kill it within three hours of biting it. The snake usually bites the elephant inside the soft part of its trunk.
This snake can be found in North and South Carolina although it is poisonous. Like many other venomous snakes, it likes to keep to itself and avoid humans. These snakes are generally non-aggressive and their bites are seldom if ever fatal. Test on lab rats showed its potency to be among the lowest of all vipers and slightly weaker than its relative the cottonmouth.
Another interesting find while researching this snake was that the venom of the Southern copperhead has a protein called “Contortrostatin” that stops the growth of cancer cells as well as stops tumors from spreading to other areas on the body. This is a truly amazing discovery and will one day help in the cure for the dreaded disease.
The Geographic range of the Southern Copperhead in the United States is: the lower Mississippi Valley and the states that boarder the Gulf of Mexico, from eastern Texas and the southeastern Oklahoma to southern Illinois. This species has also been found on the South Atlantic Coastal Plain from the panhandle of Florida right up to South Carolina.
These snakes can be found in the woodlands and swamps of South Carolina and the aggressiveness of them has been greatly exaggerated. Test that was conducted concerning their aggressive behavioral patterns toward human produced some interesting results. Like most snakes of this kind they will try to avoid humans at almost all cost.
51% of all the test snake subjects first tried to flee and 78% resorted to threat display and other defense tactives. Only when they were picked up with a mechanical hand did they resort to striking. Another interesting find concerning these snakes was that when they become stressed they will often vibrate their tails, coil their bodies and hold their head and mouth open at a 45 degree angle. If you look closely at the image above you’ll see how it got its name of, Cottonmouth. Notice the interior of this snake’s mouth resembles that of a ball of cotton.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Three Toes

I recall with the greatest clarity of mind, the chance meeting I had with Three Toes, an old mountain lion which lived deep within the swamp and bog infested area of the mountains back home. The huge cat had earned this name because he was able to outsmart those that ventured into the forest and swampy areas in hopes of trapping him. Many a trapper would stop by the village and tell tales about a huge demon cat that stalked them and often destroyed their trap lines.
 The story teller of the village claimed that the huge cat was neither man nor beast and that it was in actual fact, an evil spirit that preyed on the souls of the helpless. The animal began venturing closer to the village; live stock started to vanish without a trace. The Elders decided that it needed to be destroyed and sent a hunting party consisting of ten of the best trackers into the forest in search of the rogue cat. The hunters were never seen again and the only evidence of the capture of the mountain lion was some of its toes that were found which were left behind in one of the traps use by those sent to destroy it
 My mother, medicine woman of the village would always tell me to be careful of, Old Three Toes while out running in the woods with my friends the wolves. “Don’t stray too far from the pack child. Make sure you keep a watchful eye out for Three Toes! He will eat you if he catches you alone and unprotected by the pack! She would say.”
Yes mother, I’ll be careful I would always reply as I ran off in the direction of the forest in hopes of playing with the wolf pack. I knew only too well in my mind that I would not see this beast that had long become a legend in the mountainous area of home. I had never even come across any tracks from such a creature. So in my mind, I did not believe it to really exist.  Not once did I think it could be a threat to me the child of the wolf. After all I spent almost all my free time running with the wolf pack in the forest and knew just about every square inch of the forest on the mountain.
I lost track of time while playing with the white wolf and did not realize how late in the day it was until I sat down in one of the small clearings to rest. The sun was sitting and darkness would fall upon the forest very quickly. I was a long ways from the village and knew that if I returned the way I had come, it would be well into the night before I arrived home.  So I decided that I would take a short cut through the swamp; because it was only a quarter of the distance. If I walked straight through the swamp I would reach the village just before dark. So off I ran deep into the swamp hopping along the top of the muskeg that covered the surface of the marsh.
I remember how thick the vegetation became the deeper I entered the swamp. I could hear the sounds of the creatures that dwelled inside its borders. They were not happy about having their home invaded by me or the white wolf and they were making their feeling known to us. The white wolf growled at me in protest as he followed running beside me; he did not like the fact that I was not being careful as to where I placed my feet while moving swiftly across the muskeg. He knew that one wrong step in any direction and I could find myself chest deep in a bog of quicksand.
The rest of the village never ventured into the swamp. They chose to walk around its borders claiming that it was filled with the spirits of lost souls that had become lost within it. But I was not worried about their tales at this moment; I just wanted to get home before dark or I would be in deep trouble with my mother. I threw caution to the wind and ran even faster across the top of the spongy muskeg covered surface.
 That was when I noticed him! I saw his silhouette reflecting off the surface of the marsh. The mountain lion was huge and much bigger than any other of the spices I had ever seen before till now. I was startled by his sudden appearance, lost my footing and slipped through a hole in the muskeg.  The swamp sucked me under very quickly and before long I was chest deep in water and quicksand. I knew that if I struggled it would suck me down even faster and that I needed to relax and look for something to grab hold of to pull myself free! There was nothing around me that I could use to do so.
The white wolf managed to get to safety; he paced back and forth along the wooded area of the swamp trying to find something he could use to help free me from the quicksand. He became frustrated as he could not find anything and begin to whimper and whine. Go get help!  Wa ya (wolf), I yelled in his direction! Go now!  

The white wolf looked back in my direction one last time before disappearing out of my sight and into the forest at the end of the swamp. I knew that I did not stand much of a chance of surviving as the quicksand was pulling me down. I thought about all the stories that I had been told concerning those that entered the swamp and never were seen again. I was frightened and alone with no help in sight and might well become food for the huge mountain lion that now slowly walked on top the muskeg in my direction! That was if the quicksand did not claim me first!
I watched as the huge cat slowly moved in my direction; staring intently never taking its eye off me as it came closer and closer! The lion’s mouth was open and I could see its tongue moving side to side as it washed across its whiskers as if tasting the air trying to get the scent of its fallen prey!  Soon he was standing in front of me looking down at my frightened face! I felt my end was very near! What happened next totally shocked and surprised me!
Turning completely around the cat faced away from me as if it were going to leave! I could feel its tail against my face as it brushed over it from side to side. The huge cat looked back over its long muscled body in my direction and begins purring softly and brushed his tail across my face again. Reaching up with both my hands, I grabbed a hold of its tail and it began slowly pulling me free of the quicksand and in the direction of safer ground.
Once I was out of harm’s way, the mountain lion simply glanced over his shoulder at me for but a brief moment. Then without warning, he turned and ran away back into the dense swamp. I never did see him again for a long time after this incident. But I always knew he was near and watching over me as well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Beautiful White Wolf Pass

Memories of my home, I wish to share with you.

Beautiful White Wolf Pass

The first thing an individual will see when visiting my home in Northern Canada is the endless rolling countryside and the majestic snow capped mountains. Wolf Lake, its shoreline hemmed with ancient white pine trees. Their beauty is matched only by the rainbow colors of smooth granite walls that line the sleepy little village far below.

The village is home to the Wolf Clan, a Native American tribe that has lived off the land for several thousand years. I was adopted at birth by a medicine woman in our village and raised in the Native American traditions. My mother was loved by all that Spirit sent her way; she in her infinite wisdom saw a special gift within me that she nurtured. I was taught the way of plant medicine and the healing energy of crystals. My mother taught me how to harvest plants for medicine and how to combine the energy within the gem stones to assist in the healing of those who fell ill.

A Child’s Cry for Help

One day, a child was brought to my mother by the parents who lived in another village. The young girl was afflicted with nightmares and became withdrawn from all those around her. The medicine man of their village gave them a crystal from his medicine bag and told them the

Child was fine and only seeking attention. He told them not to accept her behavior and to ignore her. He said that she should keep the crystal on her person and the dreams would pass. The dreams did not pass and so they brought the child to our village upon hearing of my mother and her unique ways of healing others.

Healing Pond

When the parents and child came to my mother, she requested that the young girl and parents walk with her down to the wading pool beneath the waterfalls in the village. The cascading waters of the falls were very soothing to the soul. I remember the wide- eyed look of excitement upon the face of the child as they stopped on the smooth flat rocks by the falling waters. The water was very warm, and as the sunlight passed through the mist of the cascading water, a rainbow formed. Mother asked the child to give her the crystal that had been given to her. The young girl gave her the crystal and mother threw it into the wading pond. The parents became agitated with my mother, and the father spoke harshly as he did not like what she had done.

Mother lifted her hand and told the parents to be silent; turning to the child she spoke softly and said, “Child wade into the water and listen with the heart. If one of the crystals or stones which rest there call to the inner child within, you may have what called out to the energy within.” The child returned to her with a very smooth stone in her hand. “Look at the colors of the rainbow,” the young girl said. Turning to both parents my mother told them there was more energy in the simple stone she held in her tiny hand then in the crystal, because she picked out the stone herself. Mother then told the parents of the young girl they must listen to their child. After several sessions with my mother it was later revealed, the child had been abused by a close family member.

The lesson I learned from observing this situation changed my life and helped me to become the person I am today. I realized as a healer, that I must look beneath the surface and find the underlying causes and affects when treating any given situation that may arise.

Carolina’s Calling Me

Sometimes the memories of long ago tug at you and by chance guide you back to a place you belonged but left.

I have come,

From a place and time,

The like’s of,

You could not know,

Where moonbeams dance,

Upon the glistening pines,

And the stars,

Shine bright and bold,

Where angels dance and glide,

Upon the gentle breeze,

I hear the whispering,

Of one so dear,

Carolina’s calling me,

I have stood with in her forest,

Walked down by her sea,

Basked in her sunlight,

Beside her moss covered trees,

Somewhere along the way,

She took a part of me,

She visits me,

While I sleep,

Comforts me in my dreams,

Gives me strength,

When I am weak,


Carolina’s calling me,

I have sat down,

In her meadows,

Where wild flowers grow,

I have felt,

Her gently tugging,

Calling to my soul,

Although my spirit wanders,

To places far away,

Dear sweet Carolina,

Still calls me back to stay,

As I stand in her state forest,

Not far from her sea,


Dear sweet Carolina’s,

Calling out to me,

Grandfather Bear

Sometimes even the young can teach the old a life lesson or two. Such was the case of Billy Two Feathers and Grandfather Bear.
Sometimes even the young can teach the old a life lesson or two. Such was the case of Billy Two Feathers and Grandfather Bear. This writer remembers the lesson well and in the quiet place inside his mind, when he remembers the event that took place near the raging rapids, spawned by the late spring thaw, he cannot help but smile and chuckle out loud.

My friendship with the seasoned medicine man grew quickly as we both were very much alike in numerous ways. Billy Two Feathers would often say, “Little White Wolf,” “You must always do as I say and never do as I do.” “I am much older and have many life experiences so sometimes I do things differently.” “You are young and it is important that you listen to the voice of your elders.”

Billy took great pleasure in tricking me and getting me to do things he wanted me to do. My mentor and lifelong friend knew that if he told me not to do something that I would do it just to show him that I only listened, when I chose too. His eyes would shine with a life of their own as he watched, hidden behind the great white pines in the forest and observed his stubborn young student, doing things in his own way.
The fish were starting their spring run up river. The raging rapids below the waterfalls on the mountain were teaming with the Coho Salmon as they made their way up the river to the spawning grounds below the falls. I remember the water was glowing like the colors of the rainbow, due to the early morning sunlight shining and reflecting off the salmon. Mother had ordered us to go down to the stream and harvest the salmon as she would can the meat and give it to those in the village that were too old or sick to harvest their own.

The bears also knew the salmon were running as well and they lined the far banks fishing out the salmon that hurried by them with their paws. The sound of their splashing as they swatted the fish out of the raging waters was very loud. The bears were expert fisherman as they have had many years to perfect their fishing techniques. I was neither able nor powerful enough to fish like them and armed with but a spear with a rope tied to it was only able to catch one or two an hour.

Billy watched on intently from the cover of the trees and laughed very loudly at me and my frustrations that were building. “Young one you must become like the bear.” “Work smarter and not harder or the people of the village will surely starve!” He yelled out.

The white wolf and the rest of the pack lay on the shore behind me watching me as if trying to figure out what this strange and awkward young boy was trying to accomplish besides getting very wet. I remember muttering out loud, you could also help catch some fish too old man! You hide behind the cover of the pines and take great pride in watching me fail.
The she wolf became agitated as she sensed that I was upset and she whimpered and moaned as if to complain to her mate over my ongoing frustrations and failure to accomplish the simple task of gathering food. I sat down on the shore beside them glaring in the direction of the trees where Billy Two feathers was hiding and still laughing very loudly at my failed attempts to harvest the fish. The white wolf stood up and came to me nuzzling my face with his cold nose as if consoling me and then growled quietly and looked in the direction of the pack as if issuing a silent command.
The wolf pack took on a posture that I as a child had seen numerous times before. They went into hunting mode very quickly and as they ran in the direction of the other shore where the bears were fishing, the alpha female glanced back in my direction and growled softly, as if telling me to stay put and not to follow them. Billy Two Feathers was obviously surprised; he scratched his head and watched on in total amazement as the pack singled out a young bear standing over a huge cache of salmon and with but little effort harassed the bear till it abandoned its stash and retreated into the forest.
Billy Two Feathers ran down to where the bear once stood and picked up two rather large salmon from the cache of fish and laughed loudly as he held them high in the air and yelled in my direction as I watched him from afar. “Work smarter not harder little white wolf!” He yelled. Right about this time out of the tree line came the young bears mother; she was not happy that her young was chased away by the wolves or that Billy was standing there holding her families fresh food source in his hands.

Billy did not notice her running up behind him as he was so delighted with himself and the lesson he thought he was teaching me, that he seemed to have become oblivious, unable to comprehend what was about to happen to him. “Run Billy! Run!” I yelled. He just stood there grinning unable to understand what I was trying to tell him. The wolves heard and felt the fear in my voice, knowing that I was in danger they quickly returned to protect me.

The white wolf and the rest of the pack hurled themselves between Billy Two Feathers and the angry mother bear, but not before she got off a swipe of her huge out stretched paw. The bear’s paw managed to land a glancing blow; hitting him squarely on his backside and sending him hurling through the air and into the frigid waters of the river. Billy was cussing up a storm
As I pulled him out of the water and asked him if he was hurt bad.

His clothing protected him from a lot of the damage that he could have sustained. The claws of the bear ripped the backside of his pants off and barely scratched the surface of his butt. The wolves chased the huge mother bear away as she retreated quickly back into to the woods. If not for my brother and sister wolves he probably would not be here today.

Mother dressed his shallow wounds and as I looked at him across the dinner table, I smiled that little evil boyish ear to ear smile of mine and whisper to his utter dismay, Yes you were right honored elder, when you said, ” one should work smarter and not harder.” But maybe next time you should wait until the wolf pack chases away all the bears and it is saver to gather the cache of fish they left behind.